Dare to explore other styles of sex through BDSM
Most of the adult population has sexual fantasies that have to do with submission and dominance, which is truly exciting for those who want to revive their relationships or have new experiences practicing different styles of sex.
The world of BDSM refers to the terms of Bondage, Submission, Domination and SadoMasochism and which suppose a relationship of power in the members of the couple, where one is the dominant and the other the submissive. The decision about who assumes each role is always consensual, which is why it is a healthy sexual practice and is not due to mental problems or sexist factors (not always the dominant one is the man), but rather to an alternative for a couple to discover through new experiences other ways to feel an orgasm and enjoy your sexuality to the fullest.
As long as both members of the couple agree, when practicing BDSD, types of actions that lead to pain and offense are allowed, since it is a way to obtain pleasure.
What is the role in different styles of sex or BDSM and what is their purpose?
Bondage: refers to the practice of immobilizing the partner from ties, this is a Japanese style that receives the name of Shibari. The ties are made through twists and knots where the figure of the person who is being tied is highlighted and this becomes a vulnerable being where he receives erotic massages, penetration and oral sex, the immobility of the body allows the submissive to concentrate on it. pleasure you are receiving, so the sexual experience is much more intense. Another important fact about Bondage is that the knots of the bindings or links are arranged on specific points where there is a special stimulus that increases sexual energy, that is why they are based on acupuncture and the use of soft ropes is recommended. that they do not mistreat the skin of those who are bound.
Domination: this role is generally assumed by the strongest person, since he is the one who takes command and control of the situation, requesting the dominated to do his will and submit to his wishes. Whoever assumes this sun can also be a person who likes Sadism, since he can inflict pain on those who are under his control and obtain pleasure. However, he knows the limits to which the submissive can reach and when exceeding himself, he uses the security key; a word that stops the dominant when the sub has reached the limit.
Submission: it is the role in which the orders and desires of whoever is in control are obeyed and allows him to do what he wants with his body, leading him to arousal and full enjoyment of sexual games. In general, submissives are deprived of vision, mobility and can receive pain and offenses, depending on the tastes of each person and the limits to which they can reach. The submissive also takes the role of Masochist, since he is the one who is willing to physical pain and humiliation enjoying this experience and feels comfortable in it. He enjoys the wonderful world of BDSM.